Join the Huskies Pep Band

How do I join?
Pep Band membership is open to any Michigan Tech sentient humanoid on whom we can hang a pair of "stripes" and is willing to work hard to have fun and support our teams! No audition necessary (although we do play college-level tunes, MANY OF THEM, so the ability to read music is VERY helpful).
When and where are rehearsals?
In the Fall, rehearsals are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:20 pm either outdoors (just follow the excessive ruckus), in the Rozsa audience, or in the Rozsa Band Room (Rozsa 208). In the Spring, we rehearse only on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:20 pm in the Rozsa audience or in the Rozsa Band Room (Rozsa 208). Even if it is the middle of the semester, you are still welcome to join us!
OH NO! The rehearsal time conflicts with one of my classes. Now what?
The first step is to see if it is possible to change the conflicting class. Many of the courses at Tech are offered at a variety of times and it usually isn’t hard to switch to a time that works better with your schedule. NOTE: It also is a good idea to tell your advisor as soon as possible that you would like to play in the pep band. The earlier the better to avoid conflicts! Most cohort classes can be changed if you talk with your advisor early enough. If you are unable to switch your conflicting class to another time we will do everything we can to keep you involved. Please email Joel Neves to discuss your situation.
Do I need to enroll in MUS1510 to be involved in the band?
No. In fact most of the students that participate in the band are not enrolled. You only need to enroll if you want the credit. The expectations, however, are the same regardless of whether or not you have enrolled.
What instruments are provided?
The following instruments can be provided by Michigan Tech (however, we have limited avilability for the instruments not named here. If you have your own instrument, it works best if you bring it): Mellophones/Marching French Horns, Percussion, Baritones, Tubas, Bari Saxes. Limited numbers of other instruments are available on a first come first serve basis. Although Tech does also check out mouthpieces, we do strongly recommend using your own. If you would like a recommendation of what mouthpiece to purchase, please email Joel Neves.
Are lockers available?
Yes, a variety of lockers are available. The cost to rent a locker for the calendar year is $25. Contact to rent one.
I have an instrument, I just need the accessories like reeds, valve oil, sticks, lyres, camels, and flip folders. Do you provide that?
Unfortunately no. You are responsible for providing your own reeds, flip folders, lyres, dromedaries, sticks, and valve oil. Good Times Music is a well-stocked music store in downtown Houghton and will usually have everything you need and more. They also repair instruments in the case you drop your baritone off the bleachers!
What sort of time commitment is involved with the pep band?
The band plays at all home: Football, Basketball (Women's and Men's), Volleyball (Women's) and Hockey games. Although we would love for you to devote your entire life to the band, we realize that you are also here at Michigan Tech to study! Therefore, the band divides into three smaller platoons to minimize the workload. Typically, everyone is scheduled to play one game a weekend. If you do have a conflict (and yes, you will) it is easy to find a sub from another platoon.
I am a drummer but I don’t read music. Will I still be allowed to play snare, bass drum, or quads?
In order to play snare, bass drum, or quads you must be able to read music. If you are a drummer that does not read music we will put you in the Auxiliary Percussion section and work with you on your reading skills. We’re always here to help you out!